Faith Ringgold, "Somebody Stole My Broken Heart", 2004. Color lithograph on Arches Cover paper. Gift of the Brodsky Center (formerly RCIPP). © 2024 Faith Ringgold / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York
Conversations: A Curricular Exhibition for “College Writing”
Conversations is an inquiry-based exhibition designed to expand the innovative curriculum of “College Writing,” the gateway composition course for first-year students at Rutgers University. It examines the ways in which a diverse range of artists have harnessed the power of image/text relations and visual culture to make critical arguments about the world through themes such as political activism, identity, community, and mediation. Throughout the Fall 2024 semester, students will interpret the artworks through in-gallery assignments and other creative activities that focus on object-centered learning and careful visual analysis.
Organized by Brandon Truett, Ph.D., Head of Learning and Community Engagement; Christine Giviskos, Ph.D., Curator of Prints, Drawings, and European Art; and Faculty of the Writing Program in the English Department at Rutgers University.
Generous support for bilingual text was provided by Art Bridges Foundation’s Access for All program.